Thursday, January 30, 2020

True Educations Begins at Home Essay Example for Free

True Educations Begins at Home Essay People learn everything they know from some sort of influence. Religious groups are influenced by preachers to believe what they want. Students are influenced by teachers on what to learn. North Koreans are influenced by Kim Jong Il to do exactly as he wants. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee’s only book, Scout, a main female character has to be taught the hard way. She sees a man prosecuted and killed because of his skin color for something he clearly could not have done. She learns that prejudice is abused every day, even past times of slavery. Scout’s main motivation for not being prejudice is her father, Atticus, who defends the black man, Tom Robinson, in a clearly biased trial. Although influenced to think that she should hate black people, her true education comes from home. When one first learns to speak, who are their words learned from? They, typically, learn from their parents. If someone acts poorly, they are usually punished at home. Outer influences can affect someone’s decision to do something wrong, and, if brought up well, this person will not make these poor decisions. Scout is enticed to hate black people, but Atticus teaches her why humans are all equal. Jem, Scout’s older brother, learns as he matures that one should accept people for who they are. After Tom gets accused of being guilty, Jem even cries. In essence, Jem and Scout are both taught from home how to act throughout life. When Scout begins talking to Miss Maudie and Dill, she hears wild stories of the man who is locked inside his house for fifteen years, and once he is in his thirties, he attacks his father with a pair of scissors. This man is Arthur â€Å"Boo† Radley. Atticus catches his children and Dill trying to lure him out of the house and teaches them that not everything they hear is true (although, this rumor is true. The children quit provoking Boo for a while, but near the end of the book, they meet him on person after he saves their lives from a drunken man. They learn that Atticus was right in saying that not everything that one hears is true. I have learned nearly all I know from my mother and father. They have taught me basic skills, as well as proper etiquette. I have had many mentors in my life, and I believe that my parents are the best ones I have and will have. They have taught me all I need to know in my life from home.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Analyzing King Lears Tragic Flaws Essay -- William Shakespeare King L

ANALYZING KING LEAR'S TRAGIC FLAWS King Lear is a play about a tragic hero, by the name of King Lear, whose flaws get the best of him. A tragic hero must possess three qualities. The first is they must have power, in other words, a leader. King Lear has the highest rank of any leader. He is a king. The next quality is they must have a tragic flaw, and King Lear has several of those. Finally, they must experience a downfall. Lear's realization of his mistakes is more than a downfall. It is a tragedy. Lear is a tragic hero because he has those three qualities. His flaws are his arrogance, his ignorance, and his misjudgments, each contributing to the other.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first flaw in King Lear is his arrogance, which results in the loss of Cordelia and Kent. It is his arrogance in the first scene of the play that causes him to make bad decisions. He expects his favorite, youngest daughter to be the most worthy of his love. His pride makes him expect that Cordelia’s speech to be the one filled with the most love. Unfortunately for King Lear’s pride, Cordelia replies to his inquisition by saying, â€Å"I love your majesty/According to my bond and nothing less';(1.1.100-101). Out of pride and anger, Lear banishes Cordelia and splits the kingdom in half to the two evil sisters, Goneril and Regan. This tragic flaw prevents King Lear from seeing the truth because his arrogance overrides his judgement. Lear’s arrogance also causes him to lose his most faithful servan...

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Explore the Role of Joe Keller in the Play All My Sons

At the beginning of the play we see just from the description of Joe Keller in the stage directions as he described as a ‘business man with the imprint of the machine shop worker and boss still upon him' from this we learn that even though Keller is a man from nowhere he has achieved so much, and even though he is now the business man he still seems like the small man who started like any other person would. From the stage directions we also learn that Keller is a complex character who is still wondering through life ‘there is still wonder in many commonly known things†¦ ‘ The idea of a man of low origins is reaffirmed in the stage directions again ‘a peasant-like common sense' this helps to strengthen the idea that Keller is the average person (average Joe) and that he could be just like any one of us. At the end of the stage directions we are told that Keller is ‘a man among men' this shows that Keller is the man of the house and the community. We also see the strength of his character as when he describes his account after getting out of prison Picture it now; none of them believed I was innocent†¦ So I get out my of my car, and I walk down the street. But very slow. And with a smile. The Beast! I was the Beast†¦ † this shows Keller as a strong character who is defiant even in the face of adversity, this also shows how Keller can manipulate things to his advantage, it also helps to establish Keller as the anti-hero. We see Miller establishing Keller as the tragic hero as Keller is the described as the average person, a very decent, hard-working man that everyone seems to get on with, but as with every tragic-hero he has a flaw which will eventually lead to his downfall, so far we see the possible flaw as something to do with the disappearance of his son Larry â€Å".. Larry was reported missing on November twenty-fifth, right? †, this seems to be a something that has stuck with the family for a while but has recently come back to haunt them, with their other son Chris wanting to marry what used to be Larry's girlfriend. The role of Keller in dramatic genre tragedy is the anti-hero as he's not the normal idea of a hero, as he's your average normal person and had to work hard to achieve what he has, he is also the tragic hero. Keller is also the protagonist as he is the main character and also the (tragic and anti) hero of the play. The functions of Keller so far is the patriarch as he is the head of the family and the head of his own business. We also see Kellers role in the plot, to bring it from the past to the present as an event from Kellers past will be brought back up to haunt him and therefore cause his downfall. There is also Kellers relationship with his son Chris, we see that there is underlying tension as Chris once worked in the army and and developed a sense of guilt for all the men that died even though he didn't and then there is the fact that Keller created part's for aeroplanes flown by soldiers and that some were faulty apparently due to the mistake of his ex-partner But even before this we see that Chris doesn't have the same beliefs and ideals as his father(the business), when Keller worked hard and did all that for Chris so that Chris could lead a good life without worry, but Chris doesn't believe that the business is all that matters as he (after being in the army) believes that there are more important things after what he went through. We also see tension through the fact that Chris wants to marry Ann (‘Larry's girl') and that this would be wrong in anyone's eyes (especially their mothers) as they believe Larry to still be alive and for them accepting that he isn't is like accepting that Keller killed Larry (Larry was a pilot in the army) so that's were the conflicts lie. We also see Chris's need to believe in his fathers innocence â€Å"(with admiration) Joe Mcguts† this shows Chris's admiration for his father and how he sees him as a hero and that if anything challenged that it would wreck everything he knows. We see that Keller is respected by other's as even though after what happened with the plane parts and people still believed him to be guilty even though he was let off, but eventually after time he built back up the respect he had lost â€Å"Fourteen months later I had one of the best shops in the state again, a respected man again; bigger than ever. † Kellers relationship with his wife seems to have tension as the stage directors indicate â€Å"Mother(pained) How could they move back? † this seems to show a conflict in their opinions and ideas; we also know that Kate cannot accept the death of her son as it would mean that Keller killed Larry and that would be unforgivable, so again we see conflict as if Larry were dead she wouldn't be able to take the pain of knowing what Keller could have done.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Government As A Federalist Type Of Government - 1077 Words

The United States Government is kept in check by two types of government the federal and the state, which follows the Common Law System (Hames, J. B., Ekern, Y. 2010 pg. 3). This type of Government is considered to be a Federalist type of Government in comparison to a Monarchy, where one person makes all the decisions. Each government has its own system and their own powers, but each of them resembles the other for the most part in the structure. The two governments each have their own power, but are based off of their own Constitutions’. The United States Constitution is what made the federal government and laid out the powers in which the federal government has. Because of the Tenth Amendment the state is allowed to make statues and†¦show more content†¦The Federal Government, Congress, is a three-part piece that consists of the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch. Together theses three branches make a check and balances of power that is based off of our United States Constitution to include expressed and implied powers. (Hames, J. B., Ekern, Y. 2010 pg. 15). The executive branch consists of the president, vice president and the heads of the 15 departments. The main purpose of the executive branch is to enforce the laws. The Legislative consist of the House of Representatives, these are our elected representatives or congressmen from each of our states. Their job is to make statues or codes that make up all of our laws. (Hames, J. B., Ekern, Y. 2010 pg. 23). The judicial branch is the third part and this is the federal court system as we know it today. They apply the codes and laws from the Legislation to real cases. They also can veto something that the executive branch is trying to pass in legislation if they find it is unconstitutional. This is known as â€Å"Judicial Review.† (Hames, J. B., Ekern, Y. 2010 pg. 23, 24). Each state determines its own type of government and exist in its own power, but most resemble the federal government. The state is allowed to make